- What is I/NetViewer? It is public safety web tool that provides remote access to information about an agency’s resources and workload: current, pending, and historical information about events and units.
- What can we do with I/NetViewer?-View the current activity and status of all units-View information about pending and active events
-View events and units on an interactive map
-Retrieve historical information about individual units and events. For example, you can get a list of all the activities of a particular unit for the past two weeks, or find how many traffic accidents were reported during a given month
-Create an event
-Search for operational information, such as which personnel are on duty, what special equipment is in their vehicles, and any special training or skills they have, such as being bilingual
-Send messages and pages to any user on the system, including mobile units
-Change personnel lineups
-Place a unit in or out of service
- Where can I sign on and off the application? To access the application, open the application’s url using an internet web browser and then sign in. The application can be opened from any of the following web browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer® (IE), Firefox®, Chrome®, or Safari®.
- At least how many failed log in attempts before I get locked out? 3 times
- What are the possible error messages when I attempt to log on?– The user ID and/or password you supplied is incorrect. For instance, you may have CAPS LOCK on accidentally or your password is invalid. Attempt the log in again, but be aware that too many failed log in attempts will lock you out.-You are a new user and your system administrator did not provide you with your password yet.
-Your password has expired. An expired password will allow you to sign on, but you must change your password before signing off. Otherwise, you will need the assistance of your system administrator to log on the next time.
- How do I sign off? On the application toolbar, click the Logoff link next to your user name. When you sign off, it is recommended that you sign off using the Logoff link. This will log your user account off of the database completely. If you click close or the red X button ( ) instead, the application will close, but your user account will not be logged out of the database until one minute has passed.
- What are the Event and Unit Monitor Right- click menus? You can prompt a right-click menu (pop-up menu) with commands for elements (events and units) directly in their respective monitors (Event Monitor and Unit Monitor) without having to consult the application menu. Right click menu includes – Event Remarks, Assign Code, Assign Disposition Code, Update Event etc.
- Why can’t I not dispatch in I/NetViewer? I/NetViewer is strictly for monitoring only.
- Can I change the layout of the page? Yes. You can configure the layout of the monitors on the application’s main page: the Event Monitor, the Unit Monitor, the Map monitor, and any other additional monitor you may be using. There are several different layouts to choose from, including the omission of one or two of the monitors. You can change the layout as frequently as you like. Setting the horizontal and vertical area percentages using the Layout Configuration page.
- I have an active event and it showed these 3 icons – , , . What are these?
The green circular icon is an event update.The red star is a new event (create field event) and;The paperclip – No text will appear, but this icon indicates an attachment has been added or removed.
- On my unit monitor these 2 icons – , appeared. What are these?The blue circular icon means that a unit wasThe mobile with a green cross means that a new unit was added.
The icons are temporary and will fade out with auto refresh.
- Can I change the display features in the map? Yes. From the application menu, select Configure>Map Features,
- Can I change the layout of the event and unit monitors?Yes. You can configure the layout of the Event Monitor and Unit Monitor such as which columns display in the monitors, the arrangement of these columns, and the sorting direction (ascending/descending) and sorting priority of the rows.From the application menu, select Configure> Event Monitor Column Layout or Configure> Unit Monitor Column Layout page displays.
- After I have created an event, I see a menu bar on top. I do not understand what overview, chronology, event unit, view map, event details, attachment/s and event call is.Overview tab contains information such as the event type, event number, calltaker ID who created the event, agency, added remarks, and so forth.Chronology tab lists the actions taken against the event in chronological order. Each action has a heading indicating what type of action it was.
Event unit tab lists specific information about the unit such as its agency/group, status, location, and devices.
View Map tab displays an interactive map with the event (and unit, if arrived) on the map. You can zoom in and out of the map, pan the map, fit all the elements back into the active view, select and define an area of the map for magnification, and so forth. *If the x,y coordinates of the event are invalid (0,0 values), the View Map tab will not display.
Event details tab lists event information as it appears in the database.
Attachment tab lists any multi-media attachments on the event for viewing.
Event Call tab can be used to view information for all callers on an event. Additional callers are typically recorded when more than one caller reports the same event. The Event Calls tab lists both basic information (such as name and phone number) and detailed information (such as text messages, call attachments)
- I also see overview, view map and unit details in the unit information. Is this different with the ones in the event information? No
- Can I determine who is operating a specific workstation or unit?Yes. You may use the Who Inquiry page. Search for and review a list of all personnel (such as officers) and operators (such as dispatchers) that are currently signed onto terminals or assigned to units. The list also shows their employee ID, their assigned terminal ID or unit ID, the application they’re logged onto, and any special skill they may possess.If you know the employee’s last name and just want to run a quick search, use the Search field at the top of the application.
- Can I print out the file/s for future references? Yes. Once the event or unit page is up, on the right part of the monitor, there’s a print page icon () or simply right click on a white, blank space on the page and select print.