
When emergencies happen, you have to respond fast. Your dispatchers are trained. Your responders are ready.Does your software have what it takes to help you save lives?

Our incident management solution lets you quickly receive calls and alarms, evaluate incidents, and efficiently allocate resources.

Our integrated, map-based display gives authorized personnel access to a common map-based display, and modern mobile technologies put real-time data in the hands of responders – in their vehicles, on foot or motorcycle.

By enabling faster, smarter decisions, our solutions in still confidence and protect what matters.

Incident Management

Incident Management solution lets you process calls, gain insight into incidents, coordinate with other agencies, access business intelligence data, and respond quickly to save lives. Our computer-aided dispatch system, mobile software, and other tools ensure the right information is always on hand – at the call center and on the latest mobile devices.

Law Enforcement Records Management

Our Law Enforcement Records Management solution combines data management with the benefits of web-based operations – with no need to load software on individual workstations. It can be deployed anywhere, not just on fixed PCs, so you have flexibility while reducing cost of ownership. We give you fast access to incident information, business intelligence data, remote content management, easy maintenance, and a scalable platform for future growth.

Reporting & Analysis

Public safety applications generate volumes of useful data. Your system collects vital call information. Your records management system logs accidents, arrests, citations, gang activity, and more.

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